Clovr is a space where you can freely express yourself and build connections through live video chat. Our top priority is creating a safe and healthy space for conversations. Please join us to build a trustworthy Clovr community. We ask you to respect other Clovr users, and refrain you from spamming or sharing nude or sexual images.
If you come across any inappropriate behavior that violates our guidelines, please report it to us. Our Clovr Team reviews all reports quickly and thoroughly. Also, please do not forget to familiarize yourself with our safety tips to ensure your security.
Violating our guidelines below may result in the removal of content or permanent suspension of your account. So, feel free to express yourself, as long as it doesn't hurt others. Clovr always welcomes healthy users!
You may not use Clovr for the following purposes.
You must be 17 or older to use Clovr.
Nudity, Pornography, and Other Sexual Content
Following sexual content and behavior are strictly prohibited.
Any behavior that implies sexual intercourse
Any sexual nudity including exposure of genitalia, pubic hair, or nipples
Requesting or implying sexual behavior from others
Showing adult content or using it as a profile picture
Deliberately exposing oneself only in underwear
Any sexual behavior, suggestion, implication, or content involving underage individuals, or anything related to pedophilia
Harassment and Hate Speech
We do not tolerate any form of discrimination, defamation, harassment, hate content, or hate speech, including the following.
Offensive photos and actions
Deliberately zooming in on body parts to cause discomfort
Defaming or discriminating against others based on religion, race, ethnicity, nationality, age, disability, or health condition
Forcing specific religious beliefs on others
Any words or actions that mentally or physically threaten others
Any words or actions that maliciously slander or insult others
Violence, Cruelty, Discomfort, Abuse
We do not allow any content or behavior that causes distress to others by inciting violence, cruelty, fear, disgust, or discomfort, including the following.
Content related to self-harm or behavior that encourages self-harm
Content or actions involving murder, violence, suicide, abuse, torture, or anything that promotes such dangerous behavior
Displaying weapons (guns, knives, etc.) with malicious intent or threatening others with such weapons
Content or actions related to terrorism
Any content or behavior that causes fear, disgust, or discomfort
Illegal Use
Do not use Clovr for illegal activities. If an action is illegal in real life, it is also considered illegal on Clovr.
It is forbidden to publicly share personal information about yourself or others. Sharing sensitive personal information on your profile may result in deletion without notice, based on Clovr's judgment. Examples of personal information include the following.
Identification numbers, passport numbers, passwords, financial information, phone numbers, email addresses, home/work addresses, and other similar information.
Contact details and social media account information including phone numbers, KakaoTalk, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram accounts, etc.
Identity theft or impersonation of others
Digital Sex Crime
We do not tolerate any behavior that could be classified as a digital sex crime. This includes any act that infringes on another person’s sexual autonomy or human rights in cyberspace. Examples include the following.
Capturing, recording, or filming another person’s profile or usage of the service without their consent
Sharing or leaking personal information discovered about another person to third parties or online
Threatening to use captured images, recordings, or personal information to blackmail or extort others
Forcing someone to perform certain actions by threatening to leak captured images, recordings, or personal information
All illegal activities as defined by law, unethical or immoral behavior, and any form of product or service promotion are not permitted.
If you misuse the service or engage in inappropriate conduct or communication involving other users you meet through the service, Clovr reserves the right to take appropriate action based on its judgment. This includes investigating your account and terminating your account without refund for any purchases if your behavior is deemed a violation of Clovr’s Terms of Service.